The Honeymoon is over #KOFXV

Two months have passed and SNK hasn’t posted anything like “x million sales celebration” while there are some steam tracking apps that report KOFXV sold a good amount indeed. The game is great but many casuals have left, leaving SNK with the real hardcore player base, who right now have serious issues with the netcode …

NOW Top 8 Stream Official KOFXV Tournament Koch Media

The top 8 will be streamed in a moment! 16:00 GMT+2 Make sure to tune in and cheer our very own CharlyBeatz! And everyone else, of course! Stream Brackets Here are the brackets: Comment Controversial as ever, Koch Media has tried to stage a tournament that can bring together and reward the French region …

#kofxv The players’ biggest complaint

It’s of no surprise that some players are unhappy with the newest kof, and will grudgingly play it while bitterly referring to the better one from before.  We’re now old enough to see that there is always something to complain about and that the argument will go around in circles.  However, there are definitely some …

KOFXV Review: P5: Reception

Graphics Gameplay Content Sound & Music Reception Reception Sorry this is so late, but it’s given me a chance to look over the opinions through a longer period from the game’s release. It’s already been almost a month since the release. Let’s take a look at reactions and opinions to the game, ending with my …

KOF XV Review: P4: Sound and Music

Graphics Gameplay Content Sound & Music Reception Congratulations to Hideki ‘Sha V’ Asanaka! Under his lead, the team has a fantastic offering for this episode. All the new tunes are pleasers and cover a range of genres. Let’s talk about the music and sound design. I’m gonna go randomly a bit because I’m short on …

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