KNIFE EDGE, FT5 series #KOFXV starts Saturday 27 Jan

Alright here we go! Listening to complaints, I’ve set up a new First to Five Wins series between nationals only.  As the players fight more and more, they will learn each others’ tricks and traps, playstyles and habits.  Who will download who?  Tune in live to find out! We shall…

The best Samsho Tech and combos Day 1 #kofxv

Balance patch? Don’t ask about that, the only changes were that Whip gets a little buff, arguably a correction, and O.Shermie gets a cancel off whiff crouching D plus some bug fixes….  Random playlist has been added (which is bugged, it won’t allow anyone to join your lobby) and party…

Not Mai Decision

Edited to add a point about eSports support and ICFC. Poll to be added tomorrow. During a stream we got into the current state of kofxv and the lack of skins. The reasons may be more complicated than we think. The main question is why doesn’t Mai have a skin?…

KOF XV Review: P4: Sound and Music

Graphics Gameplay Content Sound & Music Reception Congratulations to Hideki ‘Sha V’ Asanaka! Under his lead, the team has a fantastic offering for this episode. All the new tunes are pleasers and cover a range of genres. Let’s talk about the music and sound design. I’m gonna go randomly a…

KOFXV Beta First Impressions 01

Good BUT the state of the lobby is worrying. And that PSN+ bug… Graphics: As anyone will tell you, watching streams is nothing compared to having the game in front of you. There’s still some weird looking things but overall it’s a very nice and glossy package overall. Shun Ei’s…