The Honeymoon is over #KOFXV
Two months have passed and SNK hasn’t posted anything like “x million sales celebration” while there are some steam tracking apps that report KOFXV sold a good amount indeed. The game is great but many casuals have left, leaving SNK with the real hardcore player base, who right now have…
Patch 1.12 notes, Loketest, EU replay, WCS Prizes and Speedy SSD Loading
It’s a big netcode tweak up as not just KOFXIV gets a patch to solve those netcode quirks. Online Patches Last Blade 2 on PS4/Vita : A new patch including improvement for the game input delay and other minor bug fixes was released today. KOFXIV improves the netcode lobby functions and fixes some…
Response to netcode patch 1.02 #kofxiv
The patch it out and you know people love to complain. Here’s what they said: So far, the #KOFXIV netcode feels amazingly responsive. Playing someone in SoCal and it's smooth as butter. #KoF14 Love this game. — J.R. Baucum (@ReverendPopoff) September 1, 2016 Spread the word. #Kofxiv netcode is GODLIKE!…
SNK Interview at Gamescom
Cem: We are together here with Carmelo from InsertGame, Mac from SignedByR, Filip from Hardedge.Org and me, Cem aka Kendeep from Orochinagi. We are delighted to have our interviewees Yasuyuki Oda-San and Nobuyuki Kuroki-San from SNK. First of all, we are happy that you are here and we hope you…
KOF14 visual ANALYSIS If you, like me, saw the 3rd Trailer while on the train, you may have been pleased to see Andy, and less pleased to see the recycled footage from the earlier trailers. However, upon getting to a proper desktop screen, you may find the reaction is quite…