The best Samsho Tech and combos Day 1 #kofxv

Balance patch? Don’t ask about that, the only changes were that Whip gets a little buff, arguably a correction, and O.Shermie gets a cancel off whiff crouching D plus some bug fixes….  Random playlist has been added (which is bugged, it won’t allow anyone to join your lobby) and party…

Gallery Mai

   gallery ,   September 9, 2017  No Comments

A Mai for Monday~ ?? — Battousai Monster Slayer (@lonerurouni187) July 3, 2017


   gallery   September 9, 2017  No Comments

??????????14?????????? — L.G (@lggreen15) August 27, 2017

Articles Shutdown Notice

   FGC News ,,   April 1, 2017  12 Comments

Tl;dr No more updates for the website!  Much reduced services in other areas.   As you may know, I (Alan François aka Gunsmith Cats) have been updating this website (via various URLs) since 1997. And it has not been easy. While Orochinagi has grown exponentially and still gets around 420,000…

John Cena says SNK is obsolete

Welp, while many of us do like a bit of wrestling, it’s probably safe to say we don’t like celebrities spreading misinformation. In an interview with Sports Illustrated, John Cena talked about the upcoming Nintendo switch, making a reference to our favourite company as how he got into games, just…