New KOF98, Metal Slug Update, Figurines Survey #Smartphone #MSD #KOF
In today’s post: KOF98 for smartphones, a new Metal Slug Defense update and a questionnaire to be shown to SNK regarding figurines. ‘NEW’ KOF98 FOR QQ SMARTPHONES Pharaon dropped this link today,mostly to a response of horror and dismay, with a sprinkling of interest and hope. Why? Because at first it…
KOF 13 FRAME DATA Some people don’t listen. Some people don’t even want to know, but this is for the players who didn’t even know. There are TWO sources of frame data. TSS Atma’s document, which is newer, and has active frames, recovery, hit advantage and blockstun data. SBR’s Sheet based…
#Madcatz facing possible closure?
UPDATE: The situation is actually real. However, Mad Catz are confident that it will end well as this is actually not the first time this has happened. This link from Game Informer explains the deal thoroughly with legal and financial lingo while I’ve outlined it in more simple terms below….
#BBCP v1.1 Video Havent had time to check this but it seems to be a stream of the arcade V1.1 which brings the previously console exclusive characters to the arcade with the balance changes. Check it out! Thx Arthur Shisengami!