Hanzo Guide – Samurai Shodown 2019

V1 Video Guide legend L = Light Slash = Neogeo A button M = Medium Slash = Neogeo B button H = Hard Slash = Neogeo C button K = Kick = Neogeo D button — —? General ?— — If you’re coming from KOF, Hanzo is like Clark, but…

Which Game Do You want at Stunfest 2015?

STUNFEST SIDE TOURNAMENT Stunfest is on its way.  May 22-24, and travel prices rise by the day. KOF13, Ultra, MKX, etc already confirmed (see above) On peut montrer un tournoi pour vous!  Mais quelle jeux? Votez! Ouest Games will be running the freeplay area, which means side tournaments; their new…


   kof ,,,   February 1, 2015  11 Comments

KOF2002UM on Steam! The release date is FEB 27 2015 The same devs who developed (and fixed) the netcode for KOF98FE, Code Mystics, will be responsible for the netcode. There is a lot of pressure on them now to repeat the success of 98FE, the netcode of which may have…

Streaming Now for 60 mins

   kof ,   October 6, 2014  No Comments

Si vous avec Fibre Optic Sama ou tres bonne internet, aujouter moi sur STEAM – je voudrais streamer FT3 tout les soirs 21-22:00 pour entrainment! Hey I’m training up for Red Fight District, and will be holding FT3 challenges on STEAM, so if you got a good connection, come join…

SNK Lineup 2014-15 inc. #98FE #2002UM #STEAM

   kof ,,,   September 10, 2014  55 Comments

HOT OFF THE PRESS Edit: It’s not Sister Quest 2 but the first. This just in, SNK’s line up of games for this year and early next- this isn’t all inclusive but what has been announced may be of some surprise to you, or rather, that final confirmation you’ve been…