Review: Metal Slug 3 Comes to Steam

Run and Gun games have always been a huge hit in arcades and classic consoles. Contra held the title of king of run and guns until Nazca released the original Metal Slug in arcades. While Metal Slug didn’t do much to change the genre, they did turn a genre that…

Yatagarasu FUNDED!

   FGC News   August 9, 2013  5 Comments

I was going to talk about the last few days to reach the stretch goal of implementing GGPO but that’s been reached too! Congrats and thanks to all the funders, we’ll be seeing you online soon! There are still a few goals for extra characters, more on that soon!


   FGC News ,   August 8, 2013  3 Comments

And there we have it. Finally, confirmation of the game we all knew about but had not even a hint from officials. Just so you know, it is not GGPO powered, and various testers have played the game online, giving their feedback. Will it make the difference? Will there be…

#Yatagarasu drive reaches 30K!!!

This weekend our Yatagarasu AC campaign passed the $30,000 mark! Check out the campaign page for sweet new art of Kazama Kotaro, plus newly-added fighting style concepts for of all the new characters! We’re just over 40% of the way toward our first stretch goal (we all want GGPO!) with…

#YAOC #Yatagarasu #GGPO

Here’s an update for you from the ‘Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm’ team: 1 new Announcement: GGPO Added to the Yatagarasu Attack to Cataclysm Campaign! Since launching the Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm IndieGogo campaign last week, we’ve received many requests from the Fighting Game Community for Yatagarasu AC to use the…