KOF XV Review: P4: Sound and Music

Graphics Gameplay Content Sound & Music Reception Congratulations to Hideki ‘Sha V’ Asanaka! Under his lead, the team has a fantastic offering for this episode. All the new tunes are pleasers and cover a range of genres. Let’s talk about the music and sound design. I’m gonna go randomly a…

Raging Storm by CasualToast

New Soundtrack for #KOFXIV fans by @CasualToast https://t.co/lxC8B5TwMn — ON.Gunsmith (@orochinagicom) November 14, 2017

#KOFXIV Music Remixes

   kof ,   June 8, 2016  No Comments

User gvgkid has, with a lot of difficulty we imagine, listened intently to the footage uploaded by the public, paying attention to the stage music. What he then did was amazing. He recreated the tracks. So what you are about to hear is not a soundtrack rip, or a modification…

Xiaohai Interview Sakura Fight Festa Results #SFF #FR18 #KOF Results

   kof ,,   March 24, 2015  1 Comment

FINAL ROUND 18 1.) QANBA.DOUYU|Xiaohai 2.) RZR|Xian 3.) QANBA.DOUYU|Dakou As we said on twitter, worth watching for the attempt by Xian to surprise Xiaohai with a pocket Liz. Here’s top 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LavEacqNpQg Why did it all look so casual? Because it wasn’t on any stage, and it was all done…

KoF XIII CMV – Kula Diamond : Ice Doll Edition

Kula, Kula, Kula…..While being kinda limited, I had fun with her multiple sA links. Anyways, here my latest CMV. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egy7whNNdl8[/youtube] Who should I do next?? Enjoy!