Random Japan 2024 and local top 10 manga sales

   articles ,   July 10, 2024  No Comments

If Japan isn’t full of otaku then why do they welcome you with Nintendo mascots? 😀 How is Baby G still a thing there? It’s amazing and what’s the message behind the meme lol? Japan respects its manga creators! I was very proud to catch this train and I didn’t…

New Cryptic Leaks

   FGC News ,,,   August 14, 2022  No Comments

Let’s talk again about the next round of leaks. You know, the one where they write at the bottom that’s it’s a fan creation but for some reason, certain people either can’t read or just can’t cope with the truth and cling onto the hope that their favourite character that…

What’s next for SNK

   FGC News ,   August 13, 2022  No Comments

I was told that SNK knew everything they had to do. It really does seem like they are listening to the community.  But will it pay off? Evo was great, the tournament had some upsets, some misdirections by Sony, and then a great announcement by SNK to balance out the…

Not Mai Decision

Edited to add a point about eSports support and ICFC. Poll to be added tomorrow. During a stream we got into the current state of kofxv and the lack of skins. The reasons may be more complicated than we think. The main question is why doesn’t Mai have a skin?…

KOFXV Beta First Impressions 01

Good BUT the state of the lobby is worrying. And that PSN+ bug… Graphics: As anyone will tell you, watching streams is nothing compared to having the game in front of you. There’s still some weird looking things but overall it’s a very nice and glossy package overall. Shun Ei’s…