SNKWC and Death Knell or Rebirth for KOF

It feels like this weekend will make or break me, to be honest.  Still, this weekend will be a killer tournament, arguably better than EVO, as it collects the cream of the crop from around the globe, evening out the income inequalities with all flights paid by SNK.  And yet,…

The ET Interview #EVO2017 #KOFXIV #ET

ET, with the awesome help of Charles Lui, has given us this chance for an interview, which will one day be added to a special collection for the public to see, but more on that later ^^  In this interview, ET talks about his recent win at EVO2017, what happened…

No news, but work continues

We are still working on KOFXIV guides!  The beginner guide is particularly amazing.  The streams and event tournaments are doing well, plus with the upcoming KOFXIV on Steam in May 2017, it can only get bigger.  We still want you to get involved! CALL FOR WRITERS The team of contributors and…

WCS: The Final Entrant

Grand Finals – UNIFIED IN TOKYO I was just thinking to myself the other day how strange it was that the grand finals were in China. Then I remembered that SNK is owned (and graciously funded) by a Chinese company. So, that’s cool, more money on flying players around and…

Best Yuri ever? #GCCMajors #KOFxiv

What a tournament, what a stream! The GCC Majors was a whirlwind with Lacid, Freezer, BusterWolf and White Ash!  Some amazing play and an even more amazing finals.