SG Feedback, 4Gamer, TV, Sales #KOFXIV

More feedback from Singapore, 4Gamer ‘views and some arts! Perhaps a good thing, not many questions have been proposed for Oda, considering most have been already asked and answered! But we are looking at them all. In the same post, Luise Ng gave us some footage of KOFXIV in Singapore and we asked him a …

#KOFSEXIII Friends List #kofxiiise #steam

For Steam, obviously. Ratings are based on knowledge and experience, if you unnerve some of these high skill players, you could still beat them! (High Skill) Someone who knows the game really well, and won’t hold back! (New) Someone new to the game Everyone else is either experienced or unknown In order for the scene …

Interview: DM | Xian

After winning OHN X KoF XIII Tournament, I was lucky enough to quickly grab an interview with DM | Xian before the top 8 finals of SF4.   DC: Hi Xian. Congrats on just winning the OHN X KoF XIII tournament. Any comments on the opponents you played against? Xian: Colin (Colonov) is a strong …

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