SG Feedback, 4Gamer, TV, Sales #KOFXIV

More feedback from Singapore, 4Gamer ‘views and some arts! Perhaps a good thing, not many questions have been proposed for Oda, considering most have been already asked and answered! But we are looking at them all. In the same post, Luise Ng gave us some footage of KOFXIV in Singapore and we asked him a …

#KOFXIV Battle #E32016 Oda & Romance

Romance gives his report on E3, Oda gives an interview and there’s lots of battle footage and artwork!   E3 Battle So if you didn’t know, SNK (Oda and Adam) were at E3 hitting the crowd, schmoozing with Sony and the players! Oda posted: Thank you to all of the KOF community. We were able …

MOARRR Tournaments in UK & France: 3500€ Prize @ ROF

… *can’t breathe* The funny thing is that within one day of playing with everyone, my level went up. Now I feel it’s going to go down, of course, so to keep it up, I will have to go to tournaments- there better be freeplay areas! (I talk about the importance of this is in …

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