First look at #KOFXIV Lobbies, Reactions, Sax

First screenshots of Online Lobbies So we can see a chat box, at least 6 setups in the lobby with queues.  The second image shows how party mode is going to work with …. a shuffle mode? @orochinagicom First images of of lobbies and party battle. Seems to be in the…

hacked #KOF2002UM to reveal playable PS2 2k2 Port

Hi, are you over 50 and still haven’t tried KOF2002UM? Did you know there were two versions of UM, vanilla and Tougeki? Did you know the latest version, Tougeki, came out on Steam with netplay?   No? Well it’s on sale right now so go get it (50% off offer ends…

KOF02UM QQ Practice Mode

Yes, there is training mode in KOF02UM for QQ Games.   Do you know how to get to training mode in 98UMFE, does it even have training mode? Shoot us a reply!

Japan Expo Grand Tournoi #BBCP

OUEST GAMES & OROCHINAGI PRESENTS: LE BLAZBLUE EXPO TOURNOI Entree : GRATUITE (Si vous avez un billet pour Japan Expo) STYLISH MODE AUTORISÉE ! D-Arts Noel à gagner au tirage au sort pour les inscrits! INSCRIVEZ VOUS TOUT DE SUITE ICI! (Laisser un commentaire avec email ici ou dans le groupe!)…

Micro transactions and the future of FGs

There’s a lengthy article at the Guardian about Rockstar’s plans to monetise GTA V without annoying the fanbase with paywalls, subscriptions and obstacles near impossible to beat without paid assistance (Candy Crush is a prime example of this strategy).   As GTA V  seems to be practically playable from start to finish without…