First look at #KOFXIV Lobbies, Reactions, Sax

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First look at #KOFXIV Lobbies, Reactions, Sax

First screenshots of Online Lobbies

So we can see a chat box, at least 6 setups in the lobby with queues.  The second image shows how party mode is going to work with …. a shuffle mode?


Moar sax pls

We’ve seen a few live renditions of KOF soundtracks, can you guess which this one will be?  Certain tracks are more famous hehe…

Reactions to the Invitation Team

What do you mean you haven’t seen it?  The one with the Invitational Team!  Kukri, Paula Paula & Mian!  Here’s the official trailer here.

The Mask has finally come OFF!  What is behind???

Some people react quite … a lot … while others are more composed.  It’s still interesting to see how some people really cannot stand Sylvie… but Mian has overall captured the hearts of the fans.    At least in terms of looks, as we still don’t have any idea how she plays.


Did you agree? Were you impressed or not? Do you hate Sylvie?  Leave a comment!

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