hacked #KOF2002UM to reveal playable PS2 2k2 Port

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hacked #KOF2002UM to reveal playable PS2 2k2 Port

Hi, are you over 50 and still haven’t tried KOF2002UM?

Did you know there were two versions of UM, vanilla and Tougeki?

Did you know the latest version, Tougeki, came out on Steam with netplay?

That 50% applies to dollars and pounds too!


No? Well it’s on sale right now so go get it (50% off offer ends Dec 1), and hey as a bonus you could even unlock the 2002 neogeo version inside using the trainer as provided by Strider Hiryu !

We already knew this was a port but it’s still interesting to see the PS2 Neogeo version in the flesh.

Not sure why the Neogeo version wasn’t available as standard.  Was it sacrificed just to put in the language select?

Meanwhile Strider Hiryu is trying to find the colour edit mode and even activate the 3D backgrounds.

And perhaps this explains the required specs of the game, as it is an actual emulator with netcode on top.  Or something.

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