94x2002um #2 Results & Videos

BEST TOURNAMENT EVER! LOTS OF BEER, CABLES AND STAR PLAYERS, Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/orochinagi   KOF 94: 3vs3 First to Two Wins Gun (Ryo/Robert) Michels (Robert/Ryo) Giga D (Takuma) (W) vs Tom (Andy) Toby (Joe) ZeroNiiro (Terry) With extra drama when Gunsmith’s laptop gets knocked off the table….

94x2000UM Results and Videos

As you know, you don’t have to wait for any videos, because they were uploaded as they were recorded LIVE! Main videos are below but check out the channel for all footage plus interviews and occasional innuendo… prize award “ceremony” and the Orochinagi World Championship Belt KOF 2002UM 1. Giga…

KOF2002UM and 94 @ Versus Festival in Japan

Some interesting things here, including some nice Yamazaki, but I bet you haven’t seen Chris connect two jump qcf Bs (and possibly can do more), and also do CD Counter into hcb D, qcf K!  And do it again from a jump CD!  Yes, he has to get counter to…

ON KOF Streams: Stronger than you realise…

For those interested in streaming your own event, this might be interesting reading.  Otherwise, all you need to know is that we can guarantee 99% that there will be streaming at the 99x2002um tournament.  Now, back to the technical details… To get a proper stream going you will need: Consoles…

KOF 94 Prizes + Friday 4th March Stream News

As you know we’ll be having a 2002um casual session where I’ll be testing out the streaming capabilities at Gamerbase, so come down to our Ustream Channel between 19:00 – 23:00 GMT on Friday – who knows, if the line is really good, we’ll get some online matches going too!…