TNT Replays and #KOFXIV App updated!
Hot: Oda has tweeted that more info on the new KOFXIV characters will drop next week! I expect just one hint on the first character so don’t hold your breath! For more information about DLC characters, please wait one more week! — Yasuyuki Oda (@snk_oda) March 3, 2017 We…
CWC2017 Replays / TNT #KOFXIV
Report on Cannes, Replays, and Tonight’s TNT! Thanks to all the players who came to Cannes, perhaps the last one due to various reasons, but let’s not dwell on that and talk more about what happened at the event. Majors are where the best of the best come to…
Patch 1.10 Notes #PS4PRO
The patch is out NOW for all territories, there was only one day delay for the others, while the U.S. and EU (not UK) got it first. Some important notes: 2 new colors per character It’s not just lighting, detail and other things have been altered!!! Ramon’s LP infinite will…
Athena #KOFXIV DLC & Awards
Update: you can read about the dlc plus SNK’s plans for the future in Oda’s blog entry on PSBlog Fans have reported it’s available in the
#KOFXIV Free DLC! Santa Oda is on his way??
It’s not confirmed but a tweet seems to say that Oda posted on facebook tha there will be a xmas present for the players! Athena's KOF '98 costume will be free for a certain period of time according to Oda. #KOFXIV — MMaker (@SNK_Lover) December 15, 2016