94x2000UM Results and Videos

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94x2000UM Results and Videos

As you know, you don’t have to wait for any videos, because they were uploaded as they were recorded LIVE! Main videos are below but check out the channel for all footage plus interviews and occasional innuendo… prize award “ceremony” and the Orochinagi World Championship Belt

KOF 2002UM
1. Giga D
2. Gunsmith
3. Beatengameover

  • 00:00-10.36 Giga D vs Gunsmith casuals
  • 16.46 – 21.18 Boss Showdown
  •  TOURNAMENT STARTS:  Everyone plays each other. First to three wins gets a point. Top two players with most points go to finals.
  •  23:19 Beatengameover vs Shoju
  • 38:30 Giga vs Gunsmith
  • 57:46 Giga vs Shoju
  • 01:09 Beatengameover vs Gunsmith
  • 01.34 Shoju vs Gunsmith
  • 01:54 Giga D vs Beatengameover
  • 02:12 Finals Giga D vs Gunsmith
  • 02:22 Interviews

We were so tired we were going to skip the 94 tournament – we asked people in the chatroom if they wanted to see the matches, er.. spamming, and they did, so we put it on, and we are so glad we did – it was so laggy, so RAW, so much fun!!! It’s almost tempting to do another…

KOF 94
1. Shoju
2. Beatengameover
3. Giga D

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