94x2002um #2 Results & Videos

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94x2002um #2 Results & Videos


LOTS OF BEER, CABLES AND STAR PLAYERS, Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/orochinagi


KOF 94: 3vs3

First to Two Wins
Gun (Ryo/Robert) Michels (Robert/Ryo) Giga D (Takuma) (W) vs
Tom (Andy) Toby (Joe) ZeroNiiro (Terry)

With extra drama when Gunsmith’s laptop gets knocked off the table.

KOF 2002: 3vs3

Tom (Andy) Toby (Kim) Gunsmith (Billy/Kula) vs

Giga D (Mature) MichelS (Kula) ZeroNiiro (Athena) (W)

Casuals, then Tournament @5.50

Plus dramatic delay by Tom “getting lost”

part 2

2001 3vs3

Gun (Heidern)  Toby (King) ZeroNiiro (K’)
MichelS (Clark) Giga D (Takuma) Tom (Andy) (W)

98 3vs3

Giga (Ma) ZeroNiiro (Ya) Toby (My)
Michels (My) Gunsmith (Cs) Tom (Ro) (W)


98 casuals inc Gunsmith getting angry and punishing Michels here


Casuals and Here (featuring certain traitors getting exposed)


Gunsmith (Shermie/Heidern) Giga D (Joe/Mature/(Xiangfei) (W) vs ZeroNiiro (Kyo/Athena) MichelS (Kula/King)

3 vs 1

Gunsmith (Clark/Shermie) Michels (Kula) ZeroNiiro (Kyo/K’) vs Giga D (W)

First to 5 wins

Gunsmith vs MichelS (W)


… 2002um may well be the most hardcore, but it’s nowhere as fun as 94…  Next Tournament Session will be KOF94 and KOF95.  Omega Rugal is banned.

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