Team ON on #KOFXIV Part 3

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Team ON on #KOFXIV Part 3

   FGC News,kof ,,,   October 15, 2016  No Comments

This is all before the October patch, so hopefully the negative opinions will change! But these are feelings that will not be ignored. The more we post, the more we find people who agree. But, this is the last part.  Part 1 is here.  The patch is almost ready!


As you know his main is Leona, and coincidentally she’s very strong in KOFXIV.  He even won a tournament with her and another of his favourites, Mature.

KOF is one of those games I’ll play no matter what.  I’ve played KOF since 1994 but I only started playing competitively from its last iteration. KOFXIV, without a doubt, is fun to play. Granted, there are characters that are far better than others like before, but the difference between the top and bottom characters is too vast in XIV.

I have high hopes on the future of the game since SNK has shown unprecedented support and interest in the community. I wonder what kinds of changes we’ll see on the patch, I can hardly wait!


Some of you may not recognise the name since he still hasn’t put up his bio on the site.  Anyway he’s still hitting top 3 in London tournaments and you’ll see him often online late evenings in the EU.

I really like the new vibe of this new KoF and the amazing variety the 50 characters bring to the game. The online modes are great and the netcode is good enough to play great matches with European players. The game speed is a lot faster than any demo/build I’ve tried and feels very close to XIII’s speed. Despite being in 3D it is truly KoF with the fundamental of the previous episodes of the series.

Obviously the game is not perfect, the current character balances is an issue as it leads to more than a third of the cast never played in serious matches but hopefully the patch will address this point.

Finally this new KoF brings a new gameplay with a emphasis on the max mode and strong zoning/fireball gameplay. I’m not totally sold yet in the direction the game is taking. On one hand I understand it makes the game more accessible to new players but on the other hand it feels too close to SF at times and force players to focus on high damage dumb combos (auto-pilot) rather than clever and skilful strategy.

I am looking forward to see what SNK is planning for the community with DLCs and the SNK world championship. Burn to fight!

Sylvie Paulo Paulo Tortita

Torta was at Never Give Up having a good rant about the poor organisation of the tournament.  He also entered KOFXIV but has a slight disadvantage…. character love. 

For me, the game is really fun, exciting. BUT has some problems related to buffer and system.

Fireballs too strong, Rolls too large and safe. I have troubles doing A+B and C+D in real battles, and i didn’t have this issue in 13

Also some characters need tweaking like Nako (almost everything lol), K’ (Easy combo with lots of damage and corner carry), Robert (his fucking 4 shorts confirm), LoveHeart (Her crouchC and Safe Swords plss), Leona (have a break pls), Mai (just a bit but still she’s too strong) and lots more.

But I’d love my little Sylvie to be a little bit stronger. Her best Midscreen Combo that doesn’t involve 4~5 Bars is to do a Magneto-Trapo! ( qcf, qcf + B/D ) to a EX Paula Experiment ( qcf, qcf + AC). And her normals being pretty short, I can’t even punish King’s Tornado Kick

Overall the game online is great but needs some tweaking on the ranked matchmaking.. also it needs to save settings when looking for ranked matches ?

That’s all I have to say. Thank you SNK (not playmore btw) for this awesome game. I hope i can keep improving, travelling and fighting a lot ?

Tennkawa P

The Idolmaster specialist, like Tortita, is now without Ash.  How does he feel?

My favorite character is now Sylvie! Rolling is really long, projectile play is also strong. I have not played that much yet, but, KOF14 is a game you want to play!


Also known as Dogesmith. Currently spamming top tiers and getting fraudulent wins.

I like the game and really like some characters, some bits bore me, but then these are the same bits that bored me in every fighting game: fighting the top tiers.  I really like Ramon, even though he has been capped to stop him turning into the Ramonster.  I also like some of the new characters but simply don’t have the time to play them (yet), as I like going online and fighting!  Some of the character designs are really good.  I’m also sad that Paula seems to have such tiny range on her normals.  The game system seems fine until you realise the anchor character has 5 bars (because the losing player gets a bonus bar).  This is nice if you are a casual player, meaning you can do lots of crazy stuff, throw out a climax super etc, but when you’re playing against a high level opponent with a top tier team, you really sweat… and feel a little dead inside after all your hard work to kill them off…  Still, the cream will rise to the top, and if there are no changes to characters, I will still enjoy the game!  In KOF95, every tournament team had Saisyu and Omega Rugal. Every CVS2 team has Blanka.  There will always be a top tier, and you can either respect the player behind this team, or not, or just go play someone else, or just put the damn character in your team!

I’m enjoying playing online because there is a great mix of level with different characters, it shows that the main player base is not put off by this tier list.  It shows the game is interesting and people enjoy it – until I smash them to bits with Verse and then they rage quit – but even then it’s early days and people will find the weaknesses of each character.  There will always be casual players who don’t like losing, and here it doesn’t matter which tier you beat them with.

Nakoruru is almost broken – I say almost because I can’t spam with her, she’s not invincible, she needs a calm and calculating hand to use efficiently.  Playing against the average player will destroy them but against a good player it’s actually difficult.  So in fact, I wont be bothered if she remains unchanged, even if I may roll my eyes when I see grand finals with her on both teams.  The same player would probably beat me with a different top tier team.  Real players know K’ is more infuriating but he takes more skill to use.   Nakoruru and Love Heart were designed to be easy to use and they certainly are; any old person can pick up Love Heart and make top players sweat. I applaud this, because it makes the game accessible.  And the best players will still wreck you.  

I wrote a few other paragraphs about game longevity and visual excitement but deleted them because it’s already been covered on the feedback page.  The most important thing now for SNK is to make sales and to do that they’re gonna need really only one thing: improve the graphics.  This may have to wait till KOF15.   Until then, while I would like more buffs for the lowest tier characters, I do think we have to study them more deeply, for example, Xanadu has risen up the ranks a little since players discovered his safe tick damage playstyle.  There’s lots more to discover and I think it’ll take years to find it all, which is great!   I look forward to playing this game to hell and getting another patch in no sooner than a year, if needed!

I think Oda, Neo G, Nobuyuki & the team have done a great job and it’s wonderful that they have tried to immerse themselves in the community!  They probably want to run away from the fans now but I just want to say “Have courage & (burn to) fight hard!”   KOF98 and 13 were good examples of a balanced cast with a top tier that still made you think the game had a balanced cast. lol.  Still, the cast was viable.  I hope 14 can become a classic like this and the dev team, lead by Oda, can make it happen (with a few balance tweaks)! Go go go!!

Still here? I’ll be discussing this, and probably repeating myself over and over for those guys who are too lazy to read over on my streams RIGHT NOW:


or on twitch

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