KoF XIII : Nishinippori Versus & Ko-hatsu

France represent. Originally uploaded by nico user ??? . There it was no player list released from the jp side of things, so this one is only made by hear, thus probably has a bunch of mistaken identities here and there. Team 1p : Masakuni , AGO , Atari ,…

Duelling the KOF Top 8!

Duelling KOF XIII Top 8 [Gussan, Ryu] vs [Takayama, Shugaku] [Fujishima, Tomo@kp] vs [Inocchi, Sora] [Aya, Tenga] vs [Rinomoto, Koukou] [Dune, M’] vs [Kaoru, Woo] Thx Prof Don’t forget there is KOF 98, 2002um, and XIII, and then on Sunday, KOF 95, 97, 2000 and 2002!!!! Tune in tomorrow at…

ON|Haregoro goes all the way!

It’s been a busy week for ON, and our Japanese rep, Haregoro, has had a great week, defeating Shoki, Koukou and Oogosho at Nishinippori! http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19985675 Original upload by ??VERSUS , this is the 26th team battle from Nishinippori Versus and for this opportunity each player only has a single life….

21st Nishinippori Versus KOF XIII Battle

   FGC News ,,   December 6, 2012  No Comments

The 21st team battle. I was just saying Shoki wasn’t that good, but holy crap he shows how wrong I am, and how much practice he has put into Beni’s air juggling. Still, Koukou puts up a murderous fight as usual. Haregoro and SonSon are still in the game not…

KoF XIII :Kozuka/Tenga vs Kaoru (2012/8/11)

   FGC News ,,   September 29, 2012  No Comments

We have more matches from nico user OTIKA, this time Kansai’s strongest legend Kaoru faces off with Kozuka. Just like Tenga, Kozuka has had quite a number of nicks throughout his fighting career, I think that his most famous nick is Kazu which he used for 2k2 (or it was…