KoF XIII :Kozuka/Tenga vs Kaoru (2012/8/11)
We have more matches from nico user OTIKA, this time Kansai’s strongest legend Kaoru faces off with Kozuka. Just like Tenga, Kozuka has had quite a number of nicks throughout his fighting career, I think that his most famous nick is Kazu which he used for 2k2 (or it was Kasu?). Anyway, I am under the impression that he has never really sticks with a team for too long; but whoever he chooses, he pretty much never drops Leona, his favorite character.
Title : KOF XIII (CL)?8?11 ???????VS???????
Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18924235
KoF XIII : Tenga vs Kaoru (2012/8/11)
More matches from nico user OTIKA , Kaoru should need no introduction at this point.
Title : KOF XIII (CL)?8?11 ???????VS???
Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18916446