KoF XIII :Kozuka/Tenga vs Kaoru (2012/8/11)

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KoF XIII :Kozuka/Tenga vs Kaoru (2012/8/11)

   FGC News ,,   September 29, 2012  No Comments

We have more matches from nico user OTIKA, this time Kansai’s strongest legend Kaoru faces off with Kozuka. Just like Tenga, Kozuka has had quite a number of nicks throughout his fighting career, I think that his most famous nick is Kazu which he used for 2k2 (or it was Kasu?). Anyway, I am under the impression that he has never really sticks with a team for too long; but whoever he chooses, he pretty much never drops Leona, his favorite character.

Title : KOF XIII (CL)?8?11 ???????VS???????

Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18924235


KoF XIII : Tenga vs Kaoru (2012/8/11)

More matches from nico user OTIKA , Kaoru should need no introduction at this point.

Title : KOF XIII (CL)?8?11 ???????VS???

Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18916446

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