Casuals are underway and tournament about to start NOWWWWWW BRACKETS All pools etc here! FEATURED PLAYERS XiaoHai, BigFool, Violent Kain, Baxter, Rockland Kyo, Yoshi, Oogosho, El Rosa, Ziwa, RealKim, Vicio, The Answer, Kannibalito, Ren, Luis Cha, Koji and Umezono!!! STREAMS The pools will be streamed by The Kings of…
Duelling the #KOF: ReVamp this weekend
Uh yeah, the same weekend as Evo. Well, at least it begins two hours after KOF pools in the US. So, stream monsters are gonna have a looooong day! Duelling the KOF: ReVamp features KOF13, 2002UM, 98UM and 2002. Players have qualified from various arcades in Japan. It seems this…
KOF XIII : ???????????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ??URL:?http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv97392347 ?????????? ?????????????????????????????????????MuKaTuKu?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??URL:?http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv97392669 We should be prioritising with the road to evo stream but I have to put out a little plug for my boys over in Japan ^^ Two tournaments this weekend, which is a little unfortunate, being quite the test of stamina! The URLs…