Duelling the KOF 12th Season : first batch of replays (02UM)

Nico user and great KoF community contributor Hummer has started uploading replays for the Duelling, held in the past weekend in Kyoto. Hummer is going to upload the matches in the same order that they were recorded, that would be 02um pools, 98 pools, XIII pools, best 8 for those…

Nishinippori with Match Descriptions

   FGC News ,,   September 20, 2013  No Comments

The 36th team battle from Nishinippori, original upload by ??? Team 1p : Kake D , Bou , Kumo , Atacchi , KakuGe Matsusaka Touri , Oda , You’re?, Keizu , Himojoe , kei , Ponser , Rinomoto , Naoki , Haregoro~ Team 2p : Retry , Yukito?ET-san Ani-san omedeto…

Nishinippori Versus (April 6)

From SMOAI’s youtube account, the 31th Nishinippori versus event. Players have 2 lives this time around. Players : Team 1p : Hide , Mau , Himojoe , Naoki , Haregoro? , Kyabetsu , Ponser Team 2p : Nike , Kanba , Capoti , Pam , Tagosaku , Shoki , M’…

Nishinippori Versus (March 30)

So, since the imbuedgold account got a wonderful warning from youtube (+ a bunch of file size and video length restrictions), we’ll have to rely on SMOAI to keep ourselves up to date when it comes to gamespot versus footage. Lesson of the day? Never touch something that might be…

KoF XIII : Nishinippori Versus (Jan 19)

The 25th team battle event from Nishinippori, original upload ??VERSUS. Each players has 2 lives The highlight for this episode was the “rematch” between M’ and Haregoro. In the v-1 tournament M’ was part of the spectacular upset that took down ON|Haregoro & ON|Myu on the qualifying round in some…