Duelling the KOF 12th Season : first batch of replays (02UM)

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Duelling the KOF 12th Season : first batch of replays (02UM)

Nico user and great KoF community contributor Hummer has started uploading replays for the Duelling, held in the past weekend in Kyoto. Hummer is going to upload the matches in the same order that they were recorded, that would be 02um pools, 98 pools, XIII pools, best 8 for those game in the same order; and after that the 10 vs 10 east japan vs west japan matches.

If possible, you it would be better for you to see this over at nico, since the replays are at 60fps; otherwise just proceed with these.

Remember that format is 1st vs 1st and then 2nd vs 2nd. And then if neccessary winner vs winner

Duelling main page : http://duelling-the-kof.com/index.php
Duelling nico mylist : http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/39244750

Fights for the A Block :

1p side : Team ???????????0.5???????
1st : Jagaimo?Ryu-chan , 2nd : Nao-chan

2p side : Team KOF?XI?
1st : Sawakoro , 2nd : BZR

1p side : Team ??????????
1st : TK=Ham Sandwich=Kota , 2nd : QP

1p side : Team ???????????
1st : Tabo , 2nd : TsunKo

1p side : Team ???????
1st : Cap , 2nd : Saikyou no Pampi

2p side : Team ??
Consist of a single player , TengaP

1p side : Team ?????????
1st : Ikebukuro Opotsu Shori Han , 2nd : Tachikawa Sei Kiwami Shori Han

2p side : Team ??1
1st : Suginoji , 2nd : Haregoro?

1p side : Team ???????????0.5???????
1st : Jagaimo?Ryu-chan , 2nd : Nao-chan

2p side : Team ??????????
1st : TK=Ham Sandwich=Kota , 2nd : QP

1p side : Team ???????
1st : Cap , 2nd : Saikyou no Pampi

2p side : Team ??1
1st : Suginoji , 2nd : Haregoro?

1p side : Team ???????????0.5???????
1st : Jagaimo?Ryu-chan , 2nd : Nao-chan

2p side : Team ???????
1st : Cap , 2nd : Saikyou no Pampi

Fights for the H Block (yeah, apparently not all blocks could be recorded) :

1p side : Team ????????
1st : Gosho , 2nd : Naoki

1p side : Team ??????
1st : Sonoki Tera Rei , 2nd : Shimizuya Tachibana

1p side : Team ?????????
1st : Gato, 2nd : Ten

2p side : Team ????
1st: Maxima , 2nd : Kikko

1p side : Team ???????
1st : Modoru , 2nd : Aka Shirt

2p side : Team ???
1st : Shima , 2nd : Fujishima

1p side : Team PBA????
1st : Taro-sama , 2nd : Udon Sensei

2p side : Team ???????
1st : Daisuke , 2nd : HoriHori-san

1p side : Team ????????
1st : Gosho , 2nd : Naoki

2p side : Team ????
1st: Maxima , 2nd : Kikko

1p side : Team ????????
1st : Gosho , 2nd : Naoki

1p side : Team PBA????
1st : Udon Sensei , 2nd : Taro-sama

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