KOF Funny: Chinchilla

   Funnies ,   September 9, 2017  No Comments

Thanks to @1itzentl for the translation! Now you can all revel in Joe's depravity pic.twitter.com/x1Qr1gkuo4 — ON.Gunsmith (@orochinagicom) September 5, 2017

Persona CMV – Joe Higashi

Pretty much all of Joe’s highlights portrayed in this combo video. Since Persona has completed both Muay Thai fighters back to back, who do you think has the crazier combos? Enjoy!

Interview with @haregoro part 1

In English and Japanese. Here’s the first of our series of exclusive interviews with players, giving you a chance to get to know what makes them tick, what inspires them and makes them world class! Our first interview is with the stunning Joe Higashi user, Haregoro, member of Team Orochinagi,…

Say HAI to your new ON reps from JAPAN

JAPAN So maybe you didn’t understand what was happening at KCE Cup 5 and the V-1 final but Orochinagi had players representing us there. They don’t normally put sponsor info on the overlays but I’ll see if we can do something at the next tournament to make it a bit…

XIII Combo Tutorials

Jesus, Joe, srsly, wtf. This video also shows that you can pretty much tack on Kyo’s EX orochinagi to anything, as it hits within one frame of animation. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUsb63khsU0[/youtube] Thx DC Some notes on the vids by Toxic Avanger : – Maxima has a bug where his standing A will…