EU Events: Samurai Sunday Shodown PS4 XBOX
In Europe? Ronin Rumble too far away to join in? Ok! ELF has set up a PS4 tournament series for you, every Sunday for a limited time! There are also tournaments by Lemmy on XBOX! PS4 It all started when Geoff asked us where he should send Europeans who were…
Garou concept sketches, NEO2, #KOFXIV Cannes updates
(*updated with moar sketches!) MMO screens / EU Online Tournament! The KOFXIV producer has been sharing gems on his Facebook page from time to time and it’s fascinating to have a look at the creation process that goes into making a fighting game. Here we can see the first design…
Start the New Year with these Awesome Guides!
Check out some of the best guides in the world right now for kofxiv- and that’s no exaggeration! With January 11 approaching fast, why not give yourself an advantage when players come back online to play with the new graphics of version 1.10?
#KOFXIV coming to Arcade
Oda had posted his attendance at the arcade tournament Toshinsai and M’ won the kof13 tournament there but we didn’t suspect there was more than that… Nobuyuki was happy that he was now allowed to mention that kof14 is a launch title with Nesica Live 2. I was finally able…
KOFXIV Pre Orders; EU Publisher hints at other titles
Pre-orders for EU: UK Amazon. | Game Germany Italy French one should be here. Interviews, trailers, great art and even a crazy bug video from Dune follow! Interview with Publisher Sony is certainly supporting this game, which is why we saw updates on the PS blog and previews at Sony’s Experience…