#KOFXIV coming to Arcade
Oda had posted his attendance at the arcade tournament Toshinsai and M’ won the kof13 tournament there but we didn’t suspect there was more than that… Nobuyuki was happy that he was now allowed to mention that kof14 is a launch title with Nesica Live 2. I was finally able…
KOF XIII at Arcade Street now lag free!
Did you know that if you buy the arcade update Tekken Tag Tournament Unlimited 2 – the (very expensive) add on becomes defunct if not connected to the Japanese network within 30 days. GGS! Namco were contacted but in the time it has taken to do anything (already a month),…
Yatagarasu in the UK!
THE OROCHINAGI SUMMER SEASON! Here are the ON tournaments for this summer! KOF XIII Climax Team Battle 2 Vendredi (Fri) 19 Juillet (July) Replays Persona 4 Arena Team Battle & Freeplay Mardi (Tue) 23 Juillet (July) Results & replays Yatagarasu Tournament & Freeplay Vendredi (Fri) 26 Julliet (July) Results &…
New ON Champ
Will be decided at Arcade Street today, at perhaps the last AS tournament for Frionel, as he’s moving back to Morocco. http://twitch.tv/gunsmith_on And then maybe another new champ Aug 17th :3 FB Event Page
Yatagarasu with Fox @arcadestreet / 4.3 Combos
Last night we ran Yatagarasu at Arcade Street, here’s some footage. Fox comes on with Chadha near the end! Watch live video from arcadestreett on TwitchTV Want to get in on the action? Grab the game from Rice Digital Here’s a combo movie!