Which Game Do You want at Stunfest 2015?
Stunfest is on its way. May 22-24, and travel prices rise by the day. KOF13, Ultra, MKX, etc already confirmed (see above)
On peut montrer un tournoi pour vous! Mais quelle jeux? Votez!
Ouest Games will be running the freeplay area, which means side tournaments; their new VS Manager could set up something bigger too if there’s enough demand!
So let’s hear it! Which game deserves a side tournament?
You can vote for TWO games. You can also comment and ask for a game to be added.
S’il vous plait, votez si vous venez et jouer au Stunfest! Please do not vote for a game you will not play at Stunfest.
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.FREEZER DRIVE
Help us send our favourite player and teacher to Korea!
Orochinagi of course will be helping out, with more steam code prizes for our donators, through lottery at the end!
The following PC STEAM games are up for grabs!
- Thief – The Master edition
- Metal Slug X
- Murdered Soul Suspect
- Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light
- Deus Ex – The Fall
- Nosgoth Founders – Warlord Pack
[donation-can goal_id=’get-freezer-to-korea-igt2015′ style_id=’default’ show_progress=true show_description=true show_donations=false show_title=true title=”]
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