Yatagarasu EU Launch Promo Match Vids

Arcade Street was the host of an EU launch for Yatagarasu, where Frionel and Fox demonstrated the gameplay in a few matches.  You can hear player feedback in French on the videos. Fox vs Frionel with commentary by Enrique http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-I2eG299aZo Frionel vs Gunsmith with commentary by Fox Fox vs Gunsmith with commentary by Frionel It’s …

Classic SNK gaming : round up

Many channels and places are still very neatly in touch with the good old wonders of SNK, let’s check some semi-recent footage. Last Blade 1 matches from the I’m not boy crew, neat stuff : [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAhe68CjLkc[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIf6l1LGW6M[/youtube] KoF 97, a personal duel by chinese players and editted replays and commentary, totally insane : [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkUZP19oKQ4[/youtube] From …

SVB2012 Replays + Report

Streams and brackets below. What can I say that hasn’t been said already? The timing could have been better, but it seems obvious that it was winter SVB or no SVB at all. Perhaps following SNKP’s plan of taking a break for a year and making sure the product was bang on before release would …

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