Gamer Clothing and Merch in Akihabara (updated 2023)

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Gamer Clothing and Merch in Akihabara (updated 2023)

Updated after a visit in 2023 and it’s bad news I’m afraid. If you’re lucky you might find shirts in random anime stores, for example I found SMT shirts in Liberty 5. Otherwise, for fighting game fans it’s very very difficult because Indor is currently closed, same for Tokyo Gamers Bar. Visit the new location for the Cospa store and you might be lucky.

I’ve left the old photos because they are certainly cherished memories.

This post is a little different because there are some shops that offer actual clothing, not just toys.  Let’s take a look at a few.  Of course if you’re a SNK fan you might spot a few items you’ll like.

  • Animate
  • MIS closed
  • INDOR closed
  • Cospa & Cospatio moved
  • Shop Campaigns

Throughout Animate you can often see shirts of current anime series.  A few of these are made by Cospa!

MIS (did not find it in 2023)

Round the back of the strip near Apa Hotel you can find this little anime clothing store. I don’t expect this to be here when I get back in a few years…  The 2nd floor is full of ecchi stuff.

They have these tiny little baskets of goods that who knows might be interested in.


29,000 yen = 248 Euros


Of course you can get more clothing and merchandise at the Eva Store in Shinjuku but while we’re here in Akiba let’s look around some more.


INDOR 1st (2023 closed)

This company is behind the Akihabara Container, Anippon and Cassette Disc brands

I think there’s a store here but I can’t find it on the map. This one pictured above is just behind Yodobashi Camera.

INDOR 2nd (closed 2023)

The store that is certainly easier to find is on the main strip near Liberty / Excelsior Coffee.

Keep an eye for the street sign because the shop doesn’t have a header as yet.  The coffee machine might be a good thing to look out for too!

The store is great for fighting game and retro fans, they have a good idea of what sells, unlike (imo) some of the bigger brands like Tokyu Hands who are more focused on promoting themselves.

The Akihabara Container is a rented space and there was a SNK special event for a few weeks.  You can still find some of the stock here.

These aren’t carts! These are T-shirts of the cart covers!! The megadrive boxes are oversized but the Neogeo ones are 1:1 scale…

Would you like some KOF chocolate?   I should have bought some but it was a rather hot summer!!!

What can I say, who else would respect a niche character?  Indor’s creators know their stuff. Respect!

Official Website


Gee! Store

In 2023 this is still here for gacha machines but cospa and gee store have moved here, next to Akiba station, next to LAOS DUTY FREE on the main strip.

[ map link ] << only for gacha, cospa moved (link above)

Over at the GeeStore Tower, you can find the Cospa shop, which is absolutely freaking great for shirts and accessories.

I used to call this place the Gacha tower because the first floor is full of gachapon machines.  You can get rid of your spare change here!  They also have some cabinets where you can buy the item directly without trying to RNG your way through.

You’ll also find a Tshirt sample so you can check your size – very useful as the Japanese size is usually one size down from western sizes (Japan size L = US size M, for example).

Cospa has more than Tshirts, they stock belt clips, pass holders, key rings, badges, patches, phone cases and more for the classic series, not just the current mainstream stuff.  Great store.  Also good to check when stock has expired at other places, remember Cospa is a producer of a lot of merchandise!

For example I managed to grab this yukata at cospa when it had sold out at the Eva store.

Up on the floor above “Cospatio” you will find more cosplay items and dolls and a little wrestling merchandise corner! (THIS WRESTLING STORE MOVED WITH G STORE)

The Moxley merchandise was out in the shop! He won the belt in June and I visited at the start of August. They’re confident with that sale hmmm.

Nakano Bay

This isn’t in Akihabara but it’s worth a visit if you’re desperate for clothing.

There are few stores with anime and gamer clothing here, but you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled.

The SUKAJAN jackets are expensive everywhere you look.  Expect to pay 20K yen and up.

IMO I don’t think these jackets are worth it unless they have embroidery.

Other stores

There are other stores such as Mandarake that stock clothing but it’s more limited edition tshirts or things that came with a game or dvd.  A lot of the smaller clothing stores closed a few years ago.

Temporary Shop Campaign Events that have ended

There are pop up stores or time limited stock that appear at places in Tokyo… keep an eye on SNK’s social media to know if there is something to catch when you are in town.  Here are some references of past events.

Tokyu Hands



Akiba Container

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