SNK Fan Survey Results

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SNK Fan Survey Results

   FGC News   September 21, 2019  No Comments
  • Winners
  • Video
  • Data Sheets

Our winners for game codes are:

  • Kingcar
  • MilkyJ
  • Alvaro Contreras
  • FerMcMaker
  • LV_Poderoso
  • 88hrod
  • Fabian Torres
  • Jez Aku Castro
  • Ben Buchoo
  • Attie Assimakopoulos
  • JonisBrasko

Check your inboxes! Here’s a steam code for Alice in Wonderland Novel on steam as I don’t know what else to do with it LL2R0-AZWM8-ZH80F

Now here’s the video of the analysis

Here are all the data sheets for the fan survey.

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