These Videos show off the detail in KOFXIV v1.10

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These Videos show off the detail in KOFXIV v1.10

   FGC News ,,   December 6, 2016  1 Comment

ChocoboTiger was at PSX and took some HD videos, whilst not direct capture, you can clearly see how much better the game looks. Get hype!

It’s not merely shading and lighting, effects have changed and some faces have been altered.  The biggest test will be when we see Andy do his climax….

V1.10 will be released in January but the demo of KOFXIV will be replaced by v2 in late December.  So for those “friends” who didn’t like the graphics, tell them to try again!  As the gameplay won’t make any difference…

V1.10 also brings 150 icons and more colours, all for free.  Big mistake, SNK, in my opinion.  They could have charged for those colours.  People who own a PS4 and have a PSN+ account, are not generally poor.  The PC market is a completely different matter and we’ll talk about that later.


And don’t forget the SURVEYS!!!!


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