SNK and Capcom competing @PSX 2016

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SNK and Capcom competing @PSX 2016

   FGC News ,,,   December 5, 2016  2 Comments

Game announcements, lion haircuts, plus the Frame Data App got an update too.

PSX was a crazy weekend for fighting games.  Both SNK and Capcom were out with guns blazing, making announcements to get the old and the new FGC into a frenzy.  It’s already been one year since Oda was at PSX2015 showing KOF14, and came back again to show the game’s continued development.  Romance was on hand to show lots of costume colours!  But that wasn’t all, SNK revealed the release of Garou on PS4 and Vita (cross play!)

There’s also a theme!

Check out the netplay here!  Don’t expect miracles with overseas matches of 200+ ping!

The other side of the fence

So is everyone hype for Gouki? It would appear so, but it didn’t stop people making memes, and as we discussed the other night on a podcast with pr6let, it’s difficult to keep track with social networks; it’d be a shame to miss them.  The question is, will it hurt or help the game?

The memes revolves around the Lion King, again with SFV’s graphical engine making hair look … funny.  The memes also compare the graphics of SFV and Tekken – one of the risks when giving another company the license for your characters being that they might make the character look better than you could.  Kyo and Iori looked amazing in CVS.  Mai looks triple hot in DOA5.  There is no question how incredible Tekken 7’s engine makes Gouki look far better.  Fans are quick to dismiss this by pointing out the ridiculous add ons (like the life preserver) that make him look stupid… as if that would make anyone stop looking…

Does it make any difference?  “Banana” Ken had the same treatment.  The players KNOW the graphics are bad. But they don’t care because they enjoy (cough) the game. And that’s how it should be.  However, when the mainstream see the meme, will they feel the same way?  Not sure about that… but this is the Internet, what else is there to do but mock everything?  Can people realise when it’s a joke and it’s not serious?  Aha….  There is the old saying “there’s no such thing as bad press” – and if the #PS2graphics can spread awareness of KOFXIV, the Lion King meme could work for SFV too… or not?  The Nakoruru KFC meme was good for KOF, we probably could use a new one…

Apart from not mentioning DLC season passes costing $30 while SNK is giving updates for free, Capcom announced a new Marvel game too; an article about ‘making games for crybabies’, another thing we talked about (podcast coming soon from PR6Let) which has irked players (yes autocombo we’re looking at you), will be coming soon.

On the other side of the fence, along with the announcement of Garou (which is still in Steam limbo), SNK revealed that KOFXIV is getting a graphical upgrade and new colours.   Even though many were satisfied with the present graphics, they knew it wouldn’t do the same for the mainstream.

So this upgrade has made many fans happy, knowing that SNK continues to support.  It will be free to download in January!  SNK really needs to charge for the extra colours.  PLEASE DO IT SNK, because right now, the people who can afford a PS4, can afford it (and yes there’s gonna be an article about the problems with a steam release in another article too!) Check out the photos after the memes.

Ok let’s get back to the serious stuff, here’s Romance’s photos from the event.  Check out the new colours.. and…. plastic surgery!??!

ps. NEO G just confirmed there will be NO balance changes with this update.


Luong got the gucci garms!

Stages are also getting tweaks


SNK have been supporting events as part of their Esports initiative!  Yesterday was SXC2016!

Dark Chaotix released his video at the event as an exclusive!


Stay tuned for the next article, where SNK will have to face up against Poverty and the false yet very real PC market.

The KOFXIV Frame Data App has been updated! Now has all up to date Frame Data for version 1.05!  The data is also available here on the website.



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