The #KOF Roundup; Vice Combo!

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The #KOF Roundup; Vice Combo!

   FGC News   October 10, 2016  No Comments

Dark Chaotix pulls out the stops again with a bone cracking Vice combo video; he has this to say about the October patch:

“I say “no” to further patching”

Wonder why? Check out the video, then check out the roundup of news and tweets!

Don’t forget tonight, it’s on again in Stratford!

Meanwhile Atma won the Play Expo in Manchester.
Brackets are up, hopefully video to follow, we’ll post about that later.

Over in Germany, Hessen Crash took place with KOFXIV and Ken Deep crashed out, having stuck with Chang.
Well, kudos for the choice but unsuprisingly Nakoruru ended him.

Surprisingly, Dracula took top spot with Kula (plus Robert and Iori). Hopefully videos soon, but you can see results at HardEdge. Kendeep did win GGXrd at least :3

Over in Japan, Duelling the KOF took place, with Koukou and Kabao winning a qualifying match on day 1

But the final winners were:

2002UM: Akhisa/ Ban/ M’

98: JyoJyo, Yamachan, Akihisa

13CL: Hitosusan/ and some other dude (can’t read the kanji)


Bad bad bad things

The Verse and Gang Il Guides have been updated. The main page has been re-organised.  Still lots of work to do.

Don’t forget


Wahuti posted a nice 2 bar combo with Mature

Here’s a nice little break guard tip for Verse

Then the Internet had a little blow up over Andy Bogard hit box. It’s just Andy so nobody paid that much attention.

But it certainly raises some questions:

Oda himself actually replied, seemingly saying this move is no error, taken from Real Bout.

So uhhh this isn’t getting patched… watch out versus Andy!

And now for some Alice!

777 plays Antonov and uses some horrible guard breaking tactics, poor Maxima!

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