Highest Quality #KOFXIV Footage you’ll see + SNK catchup News

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Highest Quality #KOFXIV Footage you’ll see + SNK catchup News

KOFXIV HQ footage and lots of SNK notices!

Just going through the hours of video now available on Frionel’s twitch channel, Deadly Rave Neo reminded me that KOFXIV was on Ken Bogard’s show, Meurs pas sans ton Pif!  While the content isn’t exactly breath taking, the footage is.  It’s the highest quality you’ll probably ever see till you get the game in your hands, as this is practically webTV quality.  Forget about 720 60 fps, check out the clip below and just look at the graphics.  You’re just a little bit closer to seeing how the game actually looks in comparison to youtube compressed fuzziness.

So what else happened with SNK this past week?  As we speak, Combo Breaker in Illinois is getting ready to go, with Atlus having KOFXIV right there.

Perhaps more importantly, after the millions and MILLIONS of fans who were asking about the art book, Atlus has produced a new pack- THE PREMIUM pack.  So for another 10 bucks or so, you can get the artbook AND soundtrack CDs!!  It is available from various retailers such as Best Buy and Amazon.

You saw the latest trailer right?

The 36 character build is touring around Japan from Saturday 28th at 1pm in Akiba and SNK showed us Yuri, all grown up and looking very… healthy.


Twinkle Star Sprites is headed to Steam!!!

More details at: http://store.steampowered.com/app/366280

And then they’ve got NEO TURF MASTERS coming on smartphone June 30th!!

NEO TURF MASTERS – iOS & Android announcement trailer

#NeoTurfMasters, the best golf game ever made, is coming to #iOS and #Android June 30th!

Posted by Dotemu on Wednesday, 25 May 2016


?North America https://goo.gl/0odHof
?Europe https://goo.gl/DtZGjF
?Japan https://goo.gl/csepZp
?Hong Kong https://goo.gl/UIeTdg
?Korea https://goo.gl/yf7C3S


Last Blade 2 was released on Playstation (cross everything) and Deadly Rave Neo has already become the No 1 Lee player in the world.  He’s streaming his adventures here!

Watch live video from DeadlyRaveNeo1 on www.twitch.tv


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