Nightmare Geese Exclusive Preorder #KOFXIV
There’s also a rumor of a XIV demo, KOFXIV at Canton Cup & some great artwork, so read on! NIGHTMARE GEESE PREORDER BONUS Update: here’s the video!!! Earlier this morning, Eternal Dragon posted in the UK kof group that he noticed the digital pre order had arrived on PSN UK….
999 Damage CMV By Nest Style Kyo.
A rather interesting theme! Enjoy!
get rid of the sparkles PSN update 3.0
With PSN update 3.0, the reason why I can barely log on for two days so far, you get a few new things, which people are already arguing about for various reasons, but the thing that really irked me was the sparkling dust/sparkles/glowing dots/fireflies/stars – whatever the hell you want…