60N Streaming Now / BBCP 2.0 Changes / Astral Finish on Celica/Lamda

6ON Streaming Now! Another 60 minutes on KOF 13 as Gunsmith struggles (and fails) to get ready for Red Fight District this weekend! BBCP 2.0 Changes and Amane’s Astral Finish on Celica and Lamda Thanks to Rulo Beto Rangel Albarran for these pics! Here’s a collection of changes by Fou Shiro! Carl…


When Team Ninja said they were gonna make a big update, THEY WERE NOT KIDDING AT ALL ! Already released on PS3 and set to be released later today on xbox360, DOA5U Ver. 1.03A is OUT! The update not only provides system changes but also includes an old fan favorite…

Day 1 DOA5U Combo Videos from Taiwan!

866AiN999 is back again and with full force bringing you combo compilations for DOA’s Latest installment Covering combos for Sarah, Momiji, Rachel, jacky and Ein. In addition, UprisingJC, another top player from Taiwan, brings in the pain with his deadly Leon combo video! Be sure to check these videos out…

E3 DOA5U Trailer, Images and News! Rachel and Leon Debut!

ITS HERE ! BEHOLD THE GLORY THAT IS DEAD OR ALIVE 5 ULTIMATE! Lots has changed and I got the scoop! – Tons of costumes added – so far 5 new stages added Lost world, Desert, Forest, Docking bay and that japanese rooftoop with the crazy buddah statue – All…