E3 DOA5U Trailer, Images and News! Rachel and Leon Debut!

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E3 DOA5U Trailer, Images and News! Rachel and Leon Debut!


Lots has changed and I got the scoop!
– Tons of costumes added
– so far 5 new stages added Lost world, Desert, Forest, Docking bay and that japanese rooftoop with the crazy buddah statue
– All characters get new moves
– Team battle is back !!
– Introducing new mechanic “POWER LAUNCHER” :
can be done only once per round when your health is under 50% so you have to chose between it and a powerblow, causes ceiling slam in closed rooms it seems ..
– Tag mode received a whole new facelift.
Tag BURST introduced , Snap backs introduced and it seems that theres some sort of new Health meter decay which is new to the series. Focus seems to be alot more on tag this time around. 🙂
– Rachel from Ninja Gaiden makes her DOA debut in DOA5U! From the E3 feedback she seems like a Spartan 2.0 but with different animations. she is one big mama and considered to be a heavy weight.
– Leon makes his triumphant return as well … not much footage was shown but he has a new air-throw that causes ground bounce and a free combo after … THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD IS BACK !

as for feedback from MASTER at DOAworld.com regarding new tech for old characters:
got his dash teleport from PP6P(P)6 .. and any string that has the same animation ender .. (YES!)
got his DOA3.1 fake back flip string ender back .. (DOUBLE YES!)
lost his SS P Sitdown. it now causes flop and a small guaranteed follow up

has a new string H+KKP <__>

Will be updating you with more info as it comes by !

There will be a live stream today so keep on the lookout for it ! .. I will fill you in with more news details as it comes along 😀

For now, Enjoy these amazing Hi Res images from gamersyde.com

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