CUSTOMCOMBO by D44 BAS / #SEAM2014 #KOF #Marvel

Much like the mixup night, D44 BAS (CVS2 Evo champ for one) has partnered with Marz Shinuku & Blackeye, with thanks to Madcatz & Ogorare, to create a tournament night at a nightclub (Marz) in Shinjuku. The name of the event is CUSTOM COMBO. According to Prof of MMCafe, the…

Ryan Hart interviews BAS

Not your usual hum drum interview, Bas lets rip on certain companies and their attitudes to taking feedback from the community. Very interesting reading. Perhaps misinformed? Bitter about something? He also calls for SF to be more like KOF lol. RH: Are you excited for CVS 3? BAS: “Well, if…