Meliblipa Tournament + Huevo Donation Drive
Hi KOF Lovers from all around the World! We’re holding a BIG Event Here in Chile, Meliblipa’s Tournament Meliblipa´s Tournament Facebook Event XTR | Huevo Wants to come, but he doesn’t have enough money. Here in Chile we’re playing MoneyMatches.. the person who loses has to DONATE the money he…
FT15 Misterio vs Reynald After CEO
Last night we had an awesome FT15 Streamed from Florida after CEO was over. The Stream URL was (Thanks dood!) Here’s the replay. Personally, i still have a boner from last night. Thanks everyone, i’m kinda sad Misterio couldn’t show himself up on CEO, but at least we have…
KOF13 FT10 Misterio vs Luis Cha!
Misterio and ZeroBlack arrived Orlando yesterday! LuisCha and Misterio had 2 FT10, only the first one is on youtube.. ZeroBlack and LuisCha had a FT10 and ZeroBlack lost 🙁 So here it is.. the first set (AWESOME!?) Thanks! Hope you everyone check CEO this friday 😀
Thank you very much (*´??*)
Hi guys! Tortita here with some news. GuttsCL is going to EVO!!! Thank you very much for your support, without you this couldn’t be possible. This is the last day for donations, with the money we already gathered we are actually happy to get gutts to EVO 🙂 Thanks to…
Misterio’s Open Letter + King CounterHit Combo
Hi there! Misterio made an open letter to all KOF Community there, i did a poor translation (i’m not an English Expert, but i do know something hahaha)