Netcode for #KOFXIV is back online!

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Netcode for #KOFXIV is back online!

It’s reported and now confirmed.  After a casual match online on Saturday,  Lord Grimulus reported that the lobby bug and netcode issues seem to have been magically fixed.  I asked Professor over in Japan to verify (as it was midday in EU).  He confirmed it.  Tweeted around.  Tested it myself.  KOFXIV ONLINE IS HERE AGAIN!  No patch required…. which means…. huh?  Btw Loke Tests for the arcade version of KOFXIV starting soon! Check tweets below.  See you Thursday Night for EU action!  Oh and finally check below for a little tech info about why my PS4 has a quicker loading time.

Arcade KOFXIV loketest this Friday!

Next Events?

This Saturday in France

and then….

Misc tech…


I have packed my PS4 with a Solid State Drive (SSD) drive, and it’s an old one.  After character select, it takes 4 seconds to load the round.  On a normal PS4, it takes 7.  If you can use a really fast SSD drive, it could be even better!

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