Team China Trailer, KOFStation, Streams
Seriously, what is going on. Did they really think we’d have time to watch all this now that the demo is out? Welp, here we go!!!
And if you missed it, check out the KOF Station to at least see the gameplay matches at the end!
Reaction video? Are you crazy? I’m busy playing the demo, arent’ you? It’s out now in the USA so that should be pretty much everyone!
I’m focused on KOD, how about you? Don’t say you don’t know where to find my stream!!!
http://twitch.tv/gunsmith_on or http://gaming.youtube.com/c/AlanFra
We’re also updating forums and Discord.
Also check out https://www.twitch.tv/gillstolemyride and twitch.tv/kingjae !
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