#KOFXIV Desk, Wolf, Kendeep, Atma, Dune

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#KOFXIV Desk, Wolf, Kendeep, Atma, Dune

Updated with Atma and Dune

Ok, it’s going to get silly now. Everyone is on this and I can’t repost every mother and their son making stuff, so I’ll just post stuff from the community I know so far.

And I need to get back to the shed. Won’t be posting so much ….

As for streams I’ve activated our widget on the right (or below if you’re on mobile) to tell you which streams are active, normally with KOF content.

So we have first KenDeep’s fun Nelson action video, showing what the boxer is capable of.

Mr Wolf’s Kyo Combo Videos

Desk’s Sylvie Combo video!

Famous combo maker for SFIV and V now has his first KOF video.  You know what to do!

…. encourage Desk to do more!!!

Meanwhile I’m working on KOD and … it’s very very hard.  But I’ve left my notes on the forums.  Feel free to chip in.

Tech Notes, for more, make sure to sub Atma’s channel!


Dune also streaming! KCE is back!


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