FGC Celebs playing #KOFXIV #nendroid figures

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FGC Celebs playing #KOFXIV #nendroid figures

Celebs aka Top Players, Combos, Frame Data, Shirts and artwork, plus Nendroid KOFXIV figures coming soon!

More top celeb players are trying KOFXIV!

Sako and Ren!


Did you notice the trophies? ^^

As long as there are good prizes to win, we’re confident these players will take this game seriously.

KOFXIV was on show in Korea, you may remember these three players… Madkof and Verna

Lacid vs Verna

Stunning Combos

Meanwhile there are a few stun combos kicking about now, check out the new updated pages for Nelson and Iori.
Unfortunately, there will not be any wiki and this format won’t look as good on the forums.

Shirt offer warning!

End of this month (July) – free shipping!!  Don’t forget to check the conversion rate for ALL currencies!!!

Art roundup

DLC skin pls









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