New KOF in development

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New KOF in development


It’s not Pachinko!!!

A new KOF being in development is actually old news, but SNKP released new job positions for developers with PS4, XB1 experience.

So now you know when you’ll definitely be upgrading to the next gen.

Questions still remain as to whether it will be cross platform, ported to STEAM etc…

Please remain calm and try not to repeat the mad screaming following the last job advertisement, followed by premature expectations for announcements at certain game events :p

It’s almost certain that it will need to match GGXRD in terms of graphics, so it may be safe to assume this will be 2.5D (3D models in a 2D style fighter)

There will be more info as it happens, but not for a good while!  Please enjoy SNKP’s offerings on Steam and Smart Phones in the meantime.  No doubt there will be more to follow!


Thx to Koucha for the heads up

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