KOF 02UM Nishinippori Versus (2012/7/30)

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KOF 02UM Nishinippori Versus (2012/7/30)

   FGC News ,   August 9, 2012  No Comments

The 97th team battle from Nishinippori, by the hand of nico user ??VERSUS


Apparently, due to some troubleshooting problems more than half of the event is lost, only the back up for the final fights is available. At least the parts that survived have the players that you probably want to see the most.

Team 1p : ? , ??? , ?? , Naruto , Cap , Faith

Team 2p : Tonkatsu , ?? , Pounser , De , ??? , Shunya , ?Pu

Title : KOF02UM ????VERSUS????????????

Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18517020

Description : ?????????????????????????????







Team 1p : Naruto , Cap , Faith

Team 2p : ?? , Pounser , De , ??? , Shunya , ?Pu

Players that have left the game :

Team 1p : ? , ??? , ??

Team 2p : Tonkatsu


Team 1p : Naruto , Cap , Faith

Team 2p : Shunya , ?Pu

Players that have left the game :

Team 1p : ? , ??? , ??

Team 2p : Tonkatsu , ?? , Pounser , De , ???

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