Nishinippori Versus Team Battle Replays

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Nishinippori Versus Team Battle Replays

Nishinippori announced that they red vs white team format battle for XIII are going to be a weekly event every Saturday, so yay.

Team 1p : Yosaku , Masakuni , Oda , Myu , Ringo , Azuki Neko , Megane , Sagawa , Bear Tank , Nagihe , Sanba , Pounser , KouKou , Shoki , Son Son , Kozuka

Team 2p : Kinotomo , Kula? , Pam , Himoujou , Yonegugu , Azu Azu , Cap , Naoki , Driller , Haregoro? , Mahiru-san? , Dai Pan , Tenga

Team 1p : Oda , Myu , Ringo , Azuki Neko , Megane , Sagawa , Bear Tank , Nagihe , Sanba , Pounser , KouKou , Shoki , Son Son , Kozuka

Team 2p : Himoujou , Yonegugu , Azu Azu , Cap , Naoki , Driller , Haregoro? , Mahiru-san? , Dai Pan , Tenga

Team 1p : Myu , Ringo , Azuki Neko , Megane , Sagawa , Bear Tank , Nagihe , Sanba , Pounser , KouKou , Shoki , Son Son , Kozuka

Team 2p : Naoki , Driller , Haregoro? , Mahiru-san? , Dai Pan , Tenga

Team 1p : Bear Tank , Nagihe , Sanba , Pounser , KouKou , Shoki , Son Son , Kozuka

Team 2p : Naoki , Driller , Haregoro? , Mahiru-san? , Dai Pan , Tenga

Team 1p : KouKou , Shoki , Son Son , Kozuka

Team 2p : Driller , Haregoro? , Mahiru-san? , Dai Pan , Tenga

Team 1p : KouKou , Shoki , Son Son , Kozuka

Team 2p : Tenga

I totally 😆 ed when they started calling clones characters as “Ura something” (Ura Joe = Hwa, Ura Ash = Saiki, Ura Takuma = Mr Karate, etc).

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