Sisters 2002UM Matches JPN
As posted by Toxic Avanger in the forums:
Satan-sama has- erm; I mean, I did a small collection of Shimai battles for everyone to enjoy. The girls (tentative(?)) pretty much specialize in playing characters that they like and thus it ends up that we see things that characters that competitive players naturally won’t choose since they are not Shameless, Kasumi or K’. You can pretty much tell that the sisters are “different” from regular japanese “teams” mainly from the fact that most of their footage comes from console, it looks like they only play on arcade occasionally and for some tournaments / events.
Mari vs Alice. Megaman X intro stage. The combo at the end is the best part of the otherwise clumsy match.
Mari vs Alice. A Seiken Densetsu boss theme?
Aoi vs Yuko. Final Faito. Props for changing the theme with every character. If you haven’t noticed it yet, check on how Chang’s “(Iron ball) The World” actually stops the time counter. MUDA MUDA.
Alice vs Mari. Part 3 I think of Sigma’s fortress, Rockman X1. [i]NESTS makes the ultimate difference[/i]
Aoi vs Alice. The theme is from the Dark World overworld map, A link to the Past. That Jhun felt beginnerish, but that Ramon and Shermie were enough to make up for it.
Mari vs Aoi. Breath of Fire 1 second battle theme
Mari vs Alice. Is this theme from Avangening Spirit? That game rocked // Now I rememba! this theme was from that prision break Kunio Kun game were you could play as the girlfriends as well as the delinquents.
BTW I couldn’t find any of the vids inside the user youtube channel, probably hinting that he has them tagged with hidden or something. Do a youtube search for the name of the event ( ?????? ) if you desire to see more.