Are you getting ready for UC7? Duelling 9th 2002UM Videos

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Are you getting ready for UC7? Duelling 9th 2002UM Videos

More 2002UM videos to help you prepare! If you turn up without having any practice, well, you know what will happen.

Duelling the Kof Season 9 – 3 on 3 – Part 1
Saisoku/Nobita/Akihisa vs. Oogosho/Desama

Duelling the Kof Season 9 – 3 on 3 – Part 2
Tosumedo/Chiposu/KATSUO vs. M’

Duelling the Kof Season 9 – 3 on 3 – Part 3
M’ vs. Oogosho/Kyokugendoa/Desama

Thx Emilll

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